Sunday, May 22, 2011

CEP 810- RSS Reflection

I was a little skeptical of this assignment at first. I am not very “tech savvy” and I questioned whether or not I would enjoy reading the news feeds via this method over the news or radio. At the beginning I was not very excited or interested in checking the feeds routinely. As I got in the swing of things and this became habitual, I found myself actually starting to look forward to logging on and reading the feeds.

NPR has educated me more about what is happening across the globe, which I feel is extremely important. I teach in a district that does not have a lot of diversity and the students are sheltered. I think that if they had an RSS reader and accessed it every few days, like we have for this lab, they would learn a lot about what is happening around the world. I think this would be eye-opening for them and would emphasis the fact that many things are occurring across the globe that either indirectly or directly affect them.

I also learned a ton for the technology feeds. I am not making huge strides in my technological knowledge but I am definitely learning a lot. Right now I feel like I am in the phase of being introduced to the many resources that are available and will, hopefully, be moving on to using this as instrumental resources in the variety of classes that I teach.

I think that there are many capabilities of using a RSS Reader page in the classroom. I think it would be great for my science classes. My students could view feeds on the scientific advances that are happening in their lifetime at this very moment. I think that my Health classes could read about the cures that are being found, educate themselves on different diets that are beneficial for them in the long term and my PE classes could keep updated on various exercises and activities they can do outside of the classroom. Incorporating this resource in my classes has numerous capabilities to assist my pedagogy in a positive way.

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